How do Cyber Attackers Use Your Personal Information?
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How do Cyber Attackers Use Your Personal Information?

Most people believe that their personal information isn’t worth that much. After all, contact information is often handed out on business cards all the time, right? Wrong! How do cyber attackers use your personal information? In the hands of hackers, personal information is very valuable. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and in this…

What Your Managed Services Provider Really Wants

Out With the Old: What Your Managed Services Provider Really Wants

Here’s a little intel about the IT Managed Services Provider (MSP) market: Most MSPs are only familiar with the equipment and software that they sell. Don’t be surprised when you’re told to completely abandon the hardware and software you’ve been using to adhere to your newly chosen provider.  Out With the Old, In With the…

What is “The Cloud”
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What is “The Cloud” and Why is it Important for IT?

When the cloud came out it was a term that confused many people and had them asking, “What is the cloud?”. It can still be a bit complicated now. Nonetheless, it’s important to understand what it is and why it’s important to your managed service provider. How did the cloud come about? Companies used to…

IT Service

IT Service Gone Wrong: Reasons Your IT Relationship Failed

So your IT relationship didn’t work out. Don’t beat yourself up! It wasn’t your fault. Unfortunately, there are a lot of IT service companies out there that are taught to take advantage of you. Luckily, we’re not like them. We provide transparent IT support along with a shoulder to cry on in times like these….

IT Company

Finally, an IT Company that Accepts You Just the Way You Are

Switching IT providers can be a painful process because your ex-MSP takes all your software and hardware platforms with them when they leave. It’s the equivalent of divorcing your IT guy, and they get custody of everything! Additionally, your new IT company may have all sorts of systems they push for you to adopt. You…

IT Consulting

IT Consulting: 5 Lines You Should Never Fall For

It seems like some IT consulting companies will tell you just about anything to get your business. However, after you’re signed on, their lies quickly crumble and you’re left with subpar service and empty promises. At Connetic, we believe that managed IT support should be about giving you the right level of service with complete…

ransomware attack
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Ransomware: What Led to the Colonial Pipeline Attack?

On May 7, an employee of Colonial Pipeline found a ransomware attack note from hackers on a control-room computer. By that evening, Colonial paid DarkSide $4.4 million in Bitcoin for a key to unlock its files. “I will admit that I wasn’t comfortable seeing money go out the door to people like this,” CEO Joseph Blount…

Your Managed IT Service Provider
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How to Break up With Your Managed IT Service Provider

Breakups are never easy. This is also true for breaking up with your managed IT service provider. If you’ve finally seen the red flags and realized that it’s time to get out of the relationship and move on – DON’T! At least not yet… Just like any separation, there are things you need to have…

IT Strategy Consulting
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IT Strategy Consulting With Every Level of Service

Old-fashioned break/fix IT strategy has never worked well. With the constant security threats that are presented daily, you need proactive, strategic decision support now more than ever! Connetic recognizes this and is here to give you experienced IT strategy consulting every step of the way, with every level of service. Top-Tier IT Strategists When you…