computer code on a screen

Data Breaches : How They Happen, and How To Prevent Them

Data breaches are a nasty and unfortunately common part of the IT world. In this blog, Connetic Founder and CEO Matthew Strebe talks about why data breaches happen, and what organizations can do to prevent them. Data breaches are a vicious cycle: past data breaches are contributing directly to the execution of new data breaches….

phishing hacker wearing dark hooded sweatshirt at desktop computer
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Everything You Need to Know About Phishing

Phishing scams are the number one cyber attack, directed at millions of small businesses every day. Scammers send forged email messages to employees trying to get them to click on attachments or links; these attachments or links then give the hacker full access to login information. Typically, the link will be to a website that…

How do Cyber Attackers Use Your Personal Information?
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How do Cyber Attackers Use Your Personal Information?

Most people believe that their personal information isn’t worth that much. After all, contact information is often handed out on business cards all the time, right? Wrong! How do cyber attackers use your personal information? In the hands of hackers, personal information is very valuable. As the saying goes, knowledge is power, and in this…

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Ransomware: What Led to the Colonial Pipeline Attack?

On May 7, an employee of Colonial Pipeline found a ransomware attack note from hackers on a control-room computer. By that evening, Colonial paid DarkSide $4.4 million in Bitcoin for a key to unlock its files. “I will admit that I wasn’t comfortable seeing money go out the door to people like this,” CEO Joseph Blount…

Your Managed IT Service Provider
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How to Break up With Your Managed IT Service Provider

Breakups are never easy. This is also true for breaking up with your managed IT service provider. If you’ve finally seen the red flags and realized that it’s time to get out of the relationship and move on – DON’T! At least not yet… Just like any separation, there are things you need to have…

Credential Handling It services
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IT Consulting Advice: Improve Employee Credential Handling

What’s the number 1 rule of Credential Handling? Say it with us: Don’t re-use the same password across multiple web services!  Unfortunately, employees frequently break this rule of  IT Consulting, across both personal and professional IT support practices. This, combined with the fact that often employees use their work email as their web service usernames,…

Work From Home Cybersecurity Tips
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Work From Home Cybersecurity Tips

With many of us still working from home, it’s easy to get into bad cybersecurity habits that could put your company’s data at risk. As seasoned IT consultants, we’ve used these work from home cybersecurity tips to mitigate risk during the pandemic and beyond! Share these tips with your employees to ensure each person is…