photo of someone's hands working at a laptop with desktop computers in the background

Why You Don’t Need Onsite IT Support in Your City

In the past, most businesses ran their IT applications and services from within their own building—server rooms full of equipment were simply the norm. On-site IT support was required to keep those services operational. IT Support and Changing Times  Luckily, these days the majority of small businesses have already migrated their business critical applications into…

A group of people sitting at their workspaces with their desktop computers
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How Company Size Can Affect Your IT Support

Let’s face it, getting the right quality of IT support can be difficult for smaller businesses. For large enterprises, a large IT staff with specialization of roles and great efficiency practically comes with the territory. But for smaller businesses who are limited in budget and resources, finding the right IT support is nearly impossible. Why…

phishing hacker wearing dark hooded sweatshirt at desktop computer
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Everything You Need to Know About Phishing

Phishing scams are the number one cyber attack, directed at millions of small businesses every day. Scammers send forged email messages to employees trying to get them to click on attachments or links; these attachments or links then give the hacker full access to login information. Typically, the link will be to a website that…

Employee Credential

How Employee Credential Habits Will Get You Hacked

There’s a security failure that at least 25% of your employees are engaging in right now, and it’s highly likely that you’re guilty of doing it too. Employee credential handling and weak passwords are a bad habit that will put your company at risk of being instantly hacked, rendering all of the money you’ve spent…