How to Avoid Sneaky IT Management Costs

How to Avoid Sneaky IT Management Costs

One major reason customers switch to Connetic from their existing managed service provider is because of our cost transparency. Our per-user pricing means that your monthly IT bills only vary with the size of your staff, which is very different from the way 90% of the Managed IT Services industry bills their clients. IT Support…

IT services cost transparency

Why Cost Transparency Matters with IT Services

We’ll cut to the chase—Connetic’s strongest differentiator is our billing model. We know that sounds strange because pricing tends to be fairly consistent among IT services, but it is actually the fundamental difference between us and competing IT services and solutions. At Connetic, cost transparency matters. Connetic charges a fixed monthly fee based on the…

Getting to Know the Dark Web to Protect Your Business

Getting to Know the Dark Web to Protect Your Business

In order to best protect your company from shady online activity, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics. Learn about the different players involved in the dark web to better recognize vulnerabilities in your own system. Breachers The first bad actors in the dark web value chain are called “Breachers”—and they don’t actually steal…

Why Do Hackers Bother with Small Business Data?

Why Do Hackers Bother with Small Business Data?

In our security practice at Connetic, we’re often baffled by the range of approaches to security we see from business owners. Some are highly controlled while others frequently throw caution into the wind until something goes awry. We’ve determined that the attitude towards data security has more to do with the leader’s personality than with real…

Employee Credential

How Employee Credential Habits Will Get You Hacked

There’s a security failure that at least 25% of your employees are engaging in right now, and it’s highly likely that you’re guilty of doing it too. Employee credential handling and weak passwords are a bad habit that will put your company at risk of being instantly hacked, rendering all of the money you’ve spent…